Memorial Scattering

On September 17 we were pleased to welcome the community to the first annual scattering ceremony for our Letters To Loved Ones program at the M. Joyce Perry Memorial Garden at McAdam's Funeral Home in Fredericton.

From the Ceremony:

“Tonight is about remembrance, love and treasured thoughts. Many of you have brought letters and cards to our memory mailbox over the last year. In these, I’m sure, are your written memories, your inner thoughts or maybe just a day-to-day conversation you wrote to your loved one. We have collected all of these written treasures together and brought them down to their smallest form of ash, to scatter amongst our memorial garden.”

“We do hope that our ceremonial scattering here tonight brings a measure of comfort to you all. This act of remembrance can transform your grief into a tangible expression of farewell. It’s a way of integrating our sorrow into the natural world. Letting our thoughts and feelings be one with the earth and allowing it to foster the growth of a beautiful memorial garden. Let the M. Joyce Perry Memorial Garden be a place you can return to and sit with your thoughts and revel in your memories.”

Learn more about the program.